
PhiBrows, Microblading

Phi­brows is a man­ual, semi-per­ma­nent tech­nique of hy­per-re­al­is­tic eye­brow draw­ing in which eye­brow shape is cal­cu­lated ac­cord­ing to face mor­phol­ogy and golden pro­por­tion (phi 1.618). It is man­ual process of in­sert­ing pig­ment be­low epi­der­mis and the up­per part of the retic­u­lar der­mis of the skin. This pro­ce­dure is per­formed man­u­ally us­ing ster­ile dis­pos­able tools and us­ing pig­ment that matches the nat­ural color of the clien­t's eye­brows. The re­sult is very re­al­is­tic be­cause we fol­low only nat­ural hair growth of eye­brows dur­ing the work, we cre­ate the de­sired full­ness and shape of the eye­brows. This is done us­ing Phi­Brows ap­pli­ca­tion while the eyes are closed be­cause it re­laxes the mimic mus­cles that can af­fect the sym­me­try of the eye­brows. In or­der to suc­cess­fully per­form the treat­ment, the skin must not be dam­aged or un­der­go­ing re­gen­er­a­tion from any skin dis­ease, pro­ce­dure or other prob­lems.



How long the pig­ment will last de­pends most on the oilnes of the skin. The more oily the skin, the shorter the pig­ment re­ten­tion. Sweat­ing and sun ex­po­sure also af­fect pig­ment re­ten­tion. On av­er­age, the ex­pected time for a new pig­ment re­fresh is 10 to 12 months. If the skin is oily, it may take up to 6 months. The cor­rec­tion is fully made 28 days af­ter the ini­tial treat­ment and then the pig­ment that has been lost in the mean­time should be added. If the skin is prob­lem­atic and oily, sev­eral such cor­rec­tions can be made. It is of great im­por­tance to fol­low the in­struc­tions of post treat­ment care, on which the suc­cess of the treat­ment also de­pends.

Powder Brows

Powder brows is a cosmetic semi permanent makeup technique designed to create eyebrows with soft powder effect, very similar to powder makeup. Powder effect is done with a shading technique using a permanent makeup device, which is similar to a tattoo gun.

